Quick Progress Update On Psiarch: Reckoning

Chapter 7 of Psiarch: Reckoning (Book Two of The Psiarch Chronicles) is almost done and I will soon get on with writing Chapter 8. 😎

So, until next time... keep on rockin', eh? 😎👍

P.S. Oh, and if you haven't already, you can grab Book One of The Psiarch Chronicles, Psiarch: Rising, from the outlets listed here.


© PHV (Registration no. 1168315)

Psiarch® PHV

 Creative Commons License
The contents of Psiarch's Hideout are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The Psiarch Chronicles Book Two Title Reveal

As promised, here's the title of Book Two of The Psiarch Chronicles!

I even foolishly proffer a tentative time for its release. As I return to writing it, I'll do my best to meet this self-imposed deadline. Come what may, I will of course keep you all updated on the progress of Psiarch: Reckoning!
So, stay tuned; and until next time, keep on rockin', eh? 😎👍

P.S. Oh, and if you haven't already, you can grab Book One of The Psiarch Chronicles, Psiarch: Rising, from the outlets listed here.


© PHV (Registration no. 1168315)

Psiarch® PHV

 Creative Commons License
The contents of Psiarch's Hideout are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


A Little Progress Update On Book Two Of The Psiarch Chronicles

Chapter 6 is finished and I will soon start writing Chapter 7. 😎

By way of apology because the writing has been (extremely 😥) slow for too numerous reasons, I'll unveil the book's title next month and ahead of originally planned. 😉
So, stay tuned; and until next time, keep on rockin', eh? 😎👍

P.S. Oh, and if you haven't already, you can grab Book One of The Psiarch Chronicles, Psiarch: Rising, from the outlets listed here.


© PHV (Registration no. 1168315)

Psiarch® PHV

 Creative Commons License
The contents of Psiarch's Hideout are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The (Almost Complete) Timeline Of Psiarch: Rising

For your pleasure (or edification, which ever 😉), the following presents a timeline for Book One of The Psiarch Chronicles, Psiarch: Rising.

This timeline comprises all items directly pertaining to the background, characters and events of the bookexcept, of course, those items that would spoil away minor and major revelations/story plot points planned for Book Two (which I'm presently writing) and Book Three. Inline links to pertinent articles already published here at Psiarch's Hideout are also provided for further information/reading.

However, be warned if you are presently reading, or haven't yet read, Psiarch: Rising...


💥********************DANGER! MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!********************💥





01/01/1977 – Birth of Aalia Nigam (India).

01/01/2004 – Birth of Ian M. Gardiner (U.K.).

08/12/2004 – Birth of Marie-Sol Juliane Connelly (Canada).

04/29/2005 – Birth of Jordan Gabriel Valence (Canada).

03/18/2016 – Birth of Liam McMasters (Canada).

04/01/2026 – Birth of Lawrence Garneau (Canada).

07/12/2026 – Birth of Warrin Stacks (Australia).

12/31/2029 – Marie-Sol Connelly (aged 26) and Jordan Valence (aged 25) meet at a 2029-2030 New Year’s Eve party.

07/15/2031 – The Aeluryn Discovery: Ruins and Chronicles tablets of the Aelur are unearthed in Pinnacle Point cave (a seaside paleontological cave-site in the South African province of Western Cape) by the McGill U. Pinnacle Point Paleontology Group.

01/01/2032 – Aalia Nigam (aged 55) resolves to find other telepaths and begins her search in the world’s largest cities.

07/16/2033 – Marie-Sol Connelly (aged 29) and Jordan Valence (aged 28) marry (civil marriage).

03/06/2034 – Ian M. Gardiner (aged 30) begins a sabbatical to learn advanced gene editing in the same Québec City lab where Marie-Sol Connelly-Valence (aged 30) is finishing her Ph.D.

09/04/2035 – Liam McMasters (aged 19) undertakes his studies in paleontology at McGill University. He joins the McGill U. Pinnacle Point Paleontology Group as an undergrad trainee.

10/25/2035 – Ian M. Gardiner (aged 31) ends his sabbatical in Québec City and returns to London.

03/17/2036 – Birth of Michel Gauthier (Canada).

04/25/2036 – Trajan Rémi Valence is born of Marie-Sol Connelly-Valence (aged 32) and Jordan Valence (aged 31).

05/07/2036 – Birth of Mira Nakamoto (Canada).

08/24/2036 – Aalia Nigam (aged 59) sets up the Senio Tectum (“Covert Group of Six”), comprised of Liam McMasters (aged 20; Canadian), Achara Naphalai (aged 19; Thai), Kellan Altig (aged 21; German), Tui Naera (aged 18; Maori New Zealander) and Zaid Maanta (aged 22; Somali).

-   Liam McMasters informs everyone of the Senio Tectum of the still-unpublished findings of the McGill U. Pinnacle Point Paleontology Group, including the ongoing translations of the Aelur Chronicles tablets. He draws attention to mythical powers yielded by the Aelurs and those of Aeluryn mythical kings called ‘Psiarchs’.

07/11/2039 – The chronoperceptive aptitude of Lawrence Garneau (aged 13) awakens.

03/02/2040 – Gardiner’s Genomic Extrapolations: Ian M. Gardiner (aged 36) publishes his paper “Evolutionary human genomic extrapolations: pseudogene-to-gene emergences within human chromosome nine, as predicted by mutational simulations”.

08/25/2040 – Warrin Stacks (aged 14) enrolls in the Australian Army Cadet high school program.

04/01/2041 – Lawrence Garneau (aged 15) wounds up burned critically in a car accident on the evening of his birthday, almost dying.

2043-2044 – The Amazon Disease Pandemic: world population drops from 8.5B to 4.6B (loss of 45% of Humanity; drop back to c.a. 1988 population levels). World economy crashes. Same with scientific research. Although minimal, some knowledge and data are lost (including analyses and notes of the McGill U. Pinnacle Point Paleontology Group). Anarchy, chaos and violence reign.

07/07/2043 – WHO issues official warning of a new disease (“Thrombogenic Manifold Emboli Syndrome”) that originated in deforested parts of the Amazon Forest in Brazil.

11/04/2043 – WHO officially declares an epidemy of Thrombogenic Manifold Emboli Syndrome (a.k.a “T-MES”, “Amazon Disease”, “A.D.”, “Blood Clotting Disease”, “Blood Curdling Disease”) in Brazil. The overwhelmed Brazilian government is slow to respond. WHO issues warning of an A.D. pandemic.

12/09/2043 – Identification of Protocystis amazonia as the A.D. infectious agent. WHO reissues warning of an A.D. pandemic.

12/21/2043 – Multiple A.D. cases erupt everywhere around the world. WHO officially declares A.D. a worldwide pandemic.

12/28/2043 – Cases of infected and dead by A.D. keep increasing exponentially throughout the world. Services to populations begin to fail (electricity, water recycling, garbage, policing, etc.).

- Cadet under officer Warrin Stacks (aged 17) is deployed alongside all his fellow cadets to assist Australian army regulars in establishing and maintaining quarantine perimeters.

01/10/2044 – More and more A.D deaths around the world. Panic reigns, governments collapse. Mass vandalism for procurement of food, water, already begun. Famine slowly creeps up.

01/19/2044 – While on their way to a disease-free camp, the family (father, mother, two older sisters) of cadet under officer Warrin Stacks (almost aged 18) are brutalized and killed by vicious rovers.

- Stacks experiences combat against rabid mobs, marauders, and raiders with increasing frequency and brutality.

01/29/2044 – All population services are non-existent. The world goes ‘dark’. Anarchy, chaos, and violence rule in addition to A.D.

02/17/2044 – First reported/documented instances of cannibalism.

03/28/2044 – Armed forces directed by their respective (remaining) governments to conscript ‘deputized citizens’ into militias in order to help reopen supply lines, keep up with border watch, protect refugee camps, maintain quarantine perimeters, and impose order, all under army supervision.

04/16/2044 – Mobs, looters, marauders, raiders, et al. confronted by soldiers and deputized citizens in multitudes of high casualty encounters. Chaos and barbarity begin to recede.

05/21/2044 – Power and communications begin to be restored. Clashes with looters and the likes begin to decrease in frequency.

06/13/2044 – A successful anti-A.D. vaccine and vaccination strategy (the ‘Anderson-Connelly-Valence-Olbermann-Sheu’ or ‘ACVOS’, vaccine) is created. Its production begins in secure facilities.

06/24/2044 – Marie-Sol Connelly-Valence (aged 40) is confronted by a small mob seeking her harm and is saved by her military escort. In fact, Mentarch (aged 42; in truth an ‘alternate’ Trajan Valence) arrives on the scene after being shunted through timestreams by a middle-aged Kalyana Relenko (a.k.a. Flashwarp; former ally of Mentarch) and delays the assault by the mob long enough before the military escort arrives. Thereafter, Mentarch adopts the identity of Valen Trance.

07/30/2044 – Mass A.D. vaccination campaigns begin.

12/21/2044 – The bulk of surviving Humanity is vaccinated. All of surviving Humanity would be vaccinated by March 2045.

02/14/2045 – Sundering between Aalia Nigam (aged 68) and the Senio Tectum, which in turn becomes the Quinctus Tectum (“Covert Group of Five”).

03/15/ 2045 – The Second American Civil War begins, with Bible Belt states vs. rest of the country. Alaska and Hawaii secede.

04/06/2045-04/12/2045 – FirstWorld Estates General conference, in Geneva (Switzerland).

-  The Quinctus Tectum (Liam McMasters, aged 29; Achara Naphalai, aged 38; Kellan Altig, aged 30; Tui Naera, aged 27; and Zaid Maanta, aged 31) participates in all WEGs.

-  Jordan Valence (aged 40) likewise takes part in all WEGs,

09/21/2045-09/27/2045 – Second World Estates General conference, in Beijing (China).

03/07/2045-03/13/2046 – Third World Estates General conference, in Antananarivo (Madagascar).

-   Jordan Valence (aged 41) introduces Liam McMasters (aged 30) and the others of the Quinctus Tectum to an attending Marie-Sol Connelly-Valence (aged 42); Marie-Sol suspects the Quinctus Tectum of being telepaths.

01/06/2046 – Advent of the Economic Consolidation Act consequent to the WEGs. Formation of the TransAm Consolidate (Capital: Capitis Nova), the OmniEuropea Consolidate (Capital: Europa Novus), the SumAfrica Consolidate (Capital: Africania), the PanAsia Consolidate (Capital: Oriensia) and the UniOceania Consolidate (Capital: Oceanius). The civil war-torn continental USA rejects participation in the ECAs. The former U.S. state of Hawaii becomes the United Hawaiian Freeholds, an independent nation. Those isolated/quarantined nations/regions that are still in anarchy and under the persisting presence of A.D. (aka the Dread Zone) also didn’t take part in the ECAs.

-   Each Consolidate sets up a Consolidate Secret Service. Each member of the Quinctus Tectum is assigned as a CSS Director of their respective Consolidate.

02/21/2046 – Australian Armed Forces Second Lieutenant Warrin Stacks (aged 20) become a UniOceania’s AustraliaSec NDD Special Forces officer-specialist.

07/25/2047 – The Second American Civil War ends. A new (Dominionist) constitution is drafted and ratified. The new ‘Christian Republic of the United States of America’ (C.R.U.S.A.) reiterates the rejection of the Consolidate system.

05/11/2047 – Operation Desert Rescue begins to stabilize the Dread Zone.

- Second Lieutenant Warrin Stacks (aged 21) is deployed among UniOceania’s AustraliaSec troop contingent for the operation.

- Stacks acquires his facial scar and his nickname of Barrage during one of his numerous missions in the DZ.

09/01/2049 – Trajan (aged 13) meets Michel Gauthier (aged 13), both beginning junior high school.

09/05/2050 – The telekinetic aptitude of Trajan (aged 14) awakens.

09/07/2050 – The telepathic aptitude of Trajan (aged 14) awakens.

-   Marie-Sol Connelly-Valence (aged 46) and Jordan Valence (aged 45) seek advice from CSS Director Liam McMasters (aged 34) on how to help Trajan deal with his telepathy.

-   Liam McMasters learns that Trajan is a dual telekinetic/telepath and his irises glow blue when he actuates his aptitudes, constituting two of the traits of a Psiarch. He imposes a pact with Marie-Sol and Jordan regarding the potent, potential threat represented by Trajan should he turn ‘wrong’. Liam McMasters later informs the Quinctus Tectum of his discovery.

08/11/2052 – Operation Desert Rescue ends in failure. The Dread Zone remains as an anarchy- and A.D. pandemic-ridden region of the world.

09/05/2052 – AustraliaSec SF officer-specialist Warrin Stacks (aged 26) is promoted to First Lieutenant.

09/02/2053 – Trajan and Michel Gauthier (both aged 17) begin their pre-university degree in nature sciences at the Cégep of Sainte-Foy, Québec City, Québec Capital District, QuébecDiv, CanadaSec.

01/26/2054 – AustraliaSec SF officer-specialist Warrin Stacks (almost aged 28) is promoted to Captain.

05/03/2054 – AustraliaSec SF Captain Warrin Stacks (aged 28) completes his ‘expert sniper’ certification.

06/22/2054 – Captain Warrin Stacks (aged 28) is given command of AustraliaSec SF Team 9. In the ensuing months, they will earn the nickname of Extreme Prejudice.

04/30/2055 – Trajan and Michel Gauthier (both aged 19) complete successfully their degree in nature sciences and graduate.

07/26/2055 – AustraliaSec SF Captain Warrin Stacks (aged 29) is promoted to Major.

09/02/2055 – Trajan (aged 19) begins his B.Sc. in molecular biology at Université Laval, Québec City, Québec Capital District, QuébecDiv, Michel Gauthier (aged 19) begins his regular officer training program (with major in computer science and software engineering, and minor in historical and political studies) at the CanadaSec Military College, in the Kingston District, OntarioDiv.

10/29/2055 – Trajan (aged 19) meets Chloé Wallace (aged 19) at a Halloween party.

03/15/2056 – AustraliaSec SF Major Warin Stacks (aged 30) resigns his commission and is granted honorable discharge. He is awraded permanent residence in the United Hawaiian Freeholds, moves to the city of Kapa’a of the Kaua’i Freehold, and begins his new mercenary/assassin/huntsman career as 'Barrage'.

05/29/2057 – Trajan (aged 21) and Chloé Wallace (aged 21) move in together.

07/01/2057 – Operation Desert Restoration begins as another attempt to stabilize the Dread Zone.

07/05/2057 – Chloé Wallace (aged 21) becomes pregnant.

11/05/2057 – Four month-pregnant Chloé Wallace (aged 21) ‘miscarries’ and shuts out Trajan (aged 21) from her life; as a result, he undergoes a severe depression that lasts about six months.

05/30/2058 – Michel Gauthier (aged 22) completes his regular officer training program (with major in computer science and minor in political science) and graduates as Second Lieutenant; he then enrolls in the CanadaSec National Defense School of Military Intelligence (CNDSMI), in Kingston, OntarioDiv, for the six-month-long course. 

06/28/2058 – The Saint-Simonacus Incident: after completing his B.Sc. in molecular biology, Trajan (aged 22) leaves Québec City for Sherbrooke. En route, he encounters David Roy (aged 13) in the village of Saint-Simonacus of the Québec Center District. The encounter ends with Trajan putting Roy in a profound, telepathy-induced coma.

-  CSS Director Liam McMasters (aged 42) deduces Trajan is the one that defeated David Roy. He also realizes that Trajan is an archtelepath, one of the traits of a Psiarch.

07/05/2058 – Trajan (aged 22) officially begins his M.Sc. studies in molecular biology at the BioMedical and Personalized Medicine Research Center, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, U. of Sherbrooke.

01/20/2059 – Second Lieutenant Michel Gauthier (aged 23) is deployed to begin his tour of duty in the ongoing Operation Desert Restoration.

05/03/2060 – Trajan (aged 24) officially begins his Ph.D. in molecular biology.

05/27/2061 – While attending a scientific symposium in London, Trajan (aged 25) seeks out and meets with Ian M. Gardiner (aged 57) at his house.

07/08/2061 – Ian M. Gardiner (aged 57) founds the FutureTek Corporation.

09/11/2061 – The C.R.U.S.A. initiates Operation Desert Salvation, causing difficulties for the still on-going Consolidate Operation Desert Restoration.

10/05/2061 – The Quinctus Tectum hear news that their estranged former mentor, Aalia Nigam (aged 84), has passed away from old age as an embittered recluse.

10/30/2062 – Operation Desert Restoration results in failure due to the intrusion of the Crusans in the region. Tour of duty ends for Second Lieutenant Michel Gauthier (aged 26). A state of cold war is established between the C.R.U.S.A. and the five Consolidates. The Crusans’ Operation Desert Salvation bungles on. The Dread Zone is still an anarchy- and A.D. pandemic-ridden region.

08/05/2063 – Trajan (aged 27) successfully defends his doctoral thesis and is awarded his Ph.D. in molecular biology.

09/02/2063 – Trajan (aged 27) begins his post-doctoral training at the Bunkyo Institute of Health Research, Tokyo District, JapanSec, PanAsia.

12/20/2063 – The anti-alihuman Umbra Domini is secretly established by the Cornerstone Organization. A ‘younger’ Aalia Nigam (aged 25) leads the UD as The Overseer.

  In between, having also adopted the code name ‘Autarch’, Aalia Nigam (aged 25) searches radical/violent alihumans to recruit as part of her ‘Children of the Dawn’ anti-human militants.

02/05/2064 – Michel Gauthier (aged 28) is promoted to First Lieutenant.

07/01/2064 – Barrage (Warrin Stacks; aged 38) is recognized as the ‘World’s Premier Warrior-Huntsman’ within all covert ops/mercenary/assassination ‘in-the-know’ circles.

04/07/2065 – First Lieutenant Michel Gauthier (aged 29) transfers from the CanadaSec NDD to the CanadaSec PSD.

09/04/2065 – Gerard I. Manin (aged 25), an unknown in the business world, brings FutureTek on the World Stock Exchange; he is presented as co-founder of FutureTek with Ian M. Gardiner (aged 61).

06/25/2066 – Trajan (aged 30) finishes his post-doctoral training and returns to Sherbrooke to begin his career as professor and research scientist.

07/02/2066 – Trajan (aged 30) officially begins as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, BioMedical and Personalized Medicine Research Center, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, U. of Sherbrooke.

10/15/2066 – The Psion Incident: first apparition of Trajan (aged 30) as Psion, at the Majestic Times Hotel fire in downtown Sherbrooke, Estria District, QuébecDiv, CanadaSec.

– Mira Nakamoto (aged 30) learns of Psion’s identity from Chloé Wallace (aged 30).

10/19/2066 – Clara Thibeault (aged 31), Chief Editor of WorldNet News-Estria District, streams her first criticizing/attack commentary of Psion.

04/04/2067 – PSD Major Mireille Lebeau (aged 32) begins her monitoring-surveillance mission of Psion as EMT Maryse Lapointe.

08/24/2067 – Trajan (aged 31) as Psion over-extends the use of his abilities for the first time, as a result he meets EMT Maryse Lapointe (aged 32) for the first time.

06/04/2068 – PSD First Lieutenant Michel Gauthier (aged 32) joins PSD Major Mireille Lebeau (aged 33) in the monitoring-surveillance mission of Psion, acting undercover as a USD Sergeant-Constable of the Estria District.

01/07/2069 – Québec Capital District USD Second Lieutenant-Detective Mira Nakamoto (aged 33) transfers to the Estria District USD.

04/07/2069 – Mira Nakamoto (aged 33) is promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant-Detective.

05/27/2069 – Barrage (Warrin Stacks; aged 43) accepts the Overseer's deal to undergo transmogrification into the world's first cybernetically-enhanced mercenary ('CyMerc'), at Cornerstone's Antrum Research Facility. The complex, horrendous and extremely painful, life-threatening process will require some two years to be achieved.

06/16/2069 – Ian M. Gardiner (aged 65) dies unexpectedly, bequeathing everything to his business partner Gerard I. Manin (aged 29).

05/26/2070 – FutureTek (via Gerard I. Manin, aged 30) awards a research chair to Trajan (aged 34).

11/27/2070 – PSD First Lieutenant Michel Gauthier (aged 34) is promoted to the rank of Captain; he continues is undercover mission with Major Mireille Lebeau (aged 35).

03/11/2071 – Marie-Sol Connelly (aged 67) dies of a ‘sudden stroke’.

06/05/2071 – Trajan (aged 35) is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and is awarded tenure.

07/20/2071 – The Battle of the Pit Incident: UD- and Overseer-directed confrontation between the CyMerc Barrage (Warrin Stacks; aged 45) and Psion (Trajan; aged 35), at the Sherbrooke A.D. Memorial-Site One. The fight ends in a sort of draw, with a crippled Barrage being rescued and flown away by Overseer-hired mercenaries while leaving a gravely wounded Trajan unconscious. TransAm CSS arrives on the scene and tender Trajan's wounds, saving his life.

-  Trajan meets TransAm CSS Sub-Director Autumn Wolfe (aged 45; Medical and Biomedical Branch) and Director Liam McMasters (aged 55), in addition to being placed under Omega Secret-level protocols.

-  Trajan learns that Liam McMasters is a telepath.

-  Trajan learns from Liam McMasters of his undisclosed, ‘behind the scenes’ role with Marie-Sol and Jordan in helping him control and train his telepathy. He also learns of the pact between them.

-  From footage of the battle, Liam McMasters deduces that Trajan is also an archtelekinetic, thus exhibiting ‘final’ missing trait of a Psiarch and marking him as a true Psiarch potential. He informs the Quinctus Tectum of this.

-  Mass upload of the CotD anti-human manifesto on the WorldNet.

08/14/2071 – The Autarch (aged 33) finishes the reconstruction of the mind of David Roy (aged 26) and awakens him from his 13 year-long comatose state.

08/29/2071 – The Monaco Incident: the CotD OmniEuropea cell (Autarch, Tazor and Blazestorm; with assistance from Flameshadow and Teknox) attacks the Casino de Monte-Carlo (Monaco District, FranceSec, OmniEuropea).

Trajan (aged 35) and Mira Nakamoto (aged 35) are introduced to each other.

08/31/2071 – PSD Colonel Mason Taylor (aged 45; PSD C.O. Québec Division, Estria and Central District Operations) and TransAm CSS Sub-Director Danilo Quineche (aged 46; Special Affairs Branch) brief PSD Major Mireille Lebeau (aged 36) and Captain Michel Gauthier (aged 35), in addition to placing them under Omega Secret-level protocols.

09/02/2071 – First date between Trajan (aged 35) and Mira Nakamoto (aged 35). They will later begin a loving relationship.

Trajan (aged 35) is introduced to TransAm CSS Sub-Director Danilo Quineche (aged 46) by CSS Director Liam McMasters (aged 55).

09/26/2071 – Michel Gauthier (aged 35) and Trajan (aged 35) come clean with each other regarding their ‘secret lives’.

10/02/2071 – The Puppeteer Incident: Psion (Trajan; aged 35) confronts once again David Roy (aged 26; a.k.a. the CotD militant known as the Puppeteer), this time in Sherbrooke. The Puppeteer is defeated and remanded to TransAm CSS custody.

– UD- and Overseer-backed First Humanity Front anti-alihuman manifesto mass uploaded on the WorldNet.

10/03/2071 – Trajan (aged 35) learns from Liam McMasters (aged 55) of the existence of AProCS and that he’s one of two known archtelepaths (the Autarch/Aalia Nigam being the other one) and the only known archtelekinetic.

10/09/2071 – Mira Nakamoto (aged 35) comes clean with Trajan (aged 35) about her knowledge of the truth about Chloé Wallace’s ‘miscarriage’ and Trajan’s identity as Psion.

10/14/2071 – Trajan (aged 35) appears as Psion on the live-streamed news show ‘The New Forum’, hosted by Sophie Carrier (aged 39) and with anti-Psion, and now also anti-alihuman, co-guest Clara Thibeault (aged 42). Thibeault verbally confronts Psion in a vociferous, unhinged manner and loses face in the process.

11/24/2071 – The Mentarch Incident: Trajan (aged 35) is confronted by Mentarch (a.k.a. Valen Trance; aged 69). Among other things, Mentarch hints that the two of them have the potential to become a Psiarch, to Trajan’s confusion. After the battle, Lawrence Garneau (a.k.a Oracles; aged 45) shows up and kills a defeated Mentarch for ‘the integrity of the timestream.’

01/04/2072 – The Sherbrooke Incident: Psion (Trajan; aged 35) faces off against a false-flag FHF suicide-bomber and armed combatants. The latter end up firing at everyone else present at the scene (first responders, bystanders alike). A gravely injured Trajan rises as a Psiarch and puts an end to the massacre.

-  Michel Gauthier (aged 35) dies protecting a near unconscious Psion from a bullet shot by a clandestine agent of the Overseer; Mira Nakamoto (aged 35) shoots and kills the agent.

-  Trajan dies twice on the operating table as surgeons work long and hard to save him from his critical wounds.

-  Public opinion of Psion sours greatly, blaming him not only for the Sherbrooke Incident, but for the Puppeteer Incident as well.

-  While recovering at the hospital, and mourning the loss of his best friend Michel Gauthier, a despondent and self-guilting Trajan decides to end his activities as Psion.

-  Liam McMasters (aged 56) visits a convalescing Trajan at the hospital. Trajan informs Liam of his decision, as well as his not caring to know more about, let alone explore, his Psiarch-actualized aptitudes.

04/01/2072 – The April’s Fool Incident: the CotD OmniEuropea cell (Tazor, Blazestorm, Mind Lord, Flameshadow, Teknox) attacks the Luxemburg Central Station during peak end of working day rush hour (Luxemburg City, LuxemburgDiv, GermanySec, OmniEuropea Consolidate).

-   Spurred on by his lack of caring about this latest, and by far deadliest, CotD attack, Mira Nakamoto (aged 35) and Jordan Valence (aged 67) attempt to talk a still-hospitalized Trajan out of abandoning his Psion activities. Although he doesn’t relent, this plants the seeds of doubt in him.

05/23/2072 – A late-twenties Kalyana Relenko/Flashwarp appears from the near future in Trajan’s home to deliver him an important message from ‘a certain party which-can’t-be-named’. Although confused and uncertain of the meaning of this strange encounter, this spurs Trajan into rehashing his decision to stop his Psion activities.

13/06/2072 – Trajan (aged 36) meets a changed Clara Thibeault (aged 43) at the Sherbrooke Incident Memorial. She figures out he’s Psion; he confirms it with a wink. She thanks him ‘for everything.’ This finally convinces Trajan to reconsider his decision to stop being Psion, and chooses to explore his Psiarch-level activities with the help of Liam McMasters.

10/15/2072 – A fully recovered Trajan makes his first public appearance as Psion since the Sherbrooke Incident, despite his loss of ‘approval’ from first responders and the seeming majority of Estria District/Sherbrooke public.



Well, that's it! I hope it was informative for you.

In the meantime, keep on rockin', eh? 😎👍

(And in case you haven't read the book yet, feel free to grab a copy of Psiarch: Rising from any of the outlets listed here 😉). 



© PHV (Registration no. 1168315)

Psiarch® PHV

 Creative Commons License
The contents of Psiarch's Hideout are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
