Update - Psiarch: Rising Undergoing Proof/Copy Editing

The manuscript of Psiarch: Rising is currently undergoing professional proof/copy editing (yes, at my own expense). This is done in prevision of going the self-publishing route via Amazon/KDP sometimes within the first trimester of 2022 (ideally), in case all queries for representation and/or publishing once again receive the "it's not for me/it's not a good fit for me/I'm not a good fit for you/I'll take a pass on this/no" answer.

As the saying goes: "stay tuned" ...


© PHV (Registration no. 1168315)

Psiarch® PHV

 Creative Commons License
The contents of Psiarch's Hideout are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
