Children Of The Dawn Manifesto: An Excerpt

WORLDNET ARCHIVES ADVISORY: the following is an excerpt from a political statement of beliefs. Ideological manifestos are not to be construed as factual scholarly treatises.

Title: “A manifest destiny for the Children of the Dawn.”

Author: The Autarch (real name unknown).

Source: Self-published edoc.

Date of original WorldNet upload: 07/20/2071.

[Beginning of excerpt] (…) our emergence constitutes irrefutable evidence of the countdown to the passing of humanity having already begun. This conclusion is as inevitable as the disappearance of Homo neanderthalensisthe Neanderthalsfollowing the rise of Homo sapiens sapiens. It is a simple matter of biology, of genetics, of evolution.

Five years ago, one of our very own gave us our name, our identity: Homo sapiens alisapiens. We are alihumans, we are the alihuman race, we are alihumanityand now it is our turn to rise, for we are the next human race to inherit the earth, to replace the obsolete humanity and relegate it to the ashes of evolution past with the previous Hominina races and species who walked upon our planet, at one time or another, over these past three million years.

Hence, by virtue of biological and evolutionary imperatives, our survival and our flourishing consign us alihumans to a natural state of war with humans, whereby each of us becomes a soldier starting from birth and, even more so, from the moment when our wondrous, evolved powers arise during puberty.

Soldiers we must be, indeed, for the wretched past of humanity warns us our obsolete predecessors will not leave us in peace to thrive and grow. Rather, they will seek us out and hunt us down everywhere, with one objective in sight: to enslave us and, in the end, eradicate us. Have they not done this not only to their own predecessors but also to their contemporaries? Have they not, time and again, gone as far as to genocide their own for simply being part of perceived ‘different tribes’as the blood-soaked pages of their recorded history over thousands of years attest? It is therefore suicidal folly to expect them to not do the same to us, their evolutionary children.

Yes, children of humanity we are; but what are we to do when faced with parents bent on exploiting, if not eliminating, the biological competition we represent by the simple virtue of our being born?

And yes, children we truly are; yet, we are not hapless, let alone defenseless: for the very things which define us as alihumans, namely our magnificent and potent powers, likewise constitute our salvation. In this respect, let us not shy away from the verity these evolved powers of ours constitute our primary weaponized means to survive, to prosper, and, in the end, to supersede our evolutionary parents.

Therefore, we will not resign ourselves to subjugation by our would-be oppressors, all the while clinging to false hopes for reason and decency to somehow prevail; neither will we act like fearful-but-submissive livestock led to the slaughterhouse by our would-be butchers. Instead, it is we who will be the oppressors, the hunters, the warriors. It is we who will throw our obsolete parents into the trash bin of anthropomorphic history before they do so to us.

Hence, we alihumans are genetically called upon to understand and recognize the clear, present, and imminent danger looming over our existence, over our ascension to legitimate supremacy.

In the interim, I shall stand proud and resolute as I proclaim fiercely and defiantly: “We are the Children of the Dawn!”a promise, as it were, of a dawning future world without the current oppressive human race.

In turn, let this same righteous proclamation echo throughout every corner of the earth, so all of humanity may know: the future belongs to alihumanity, and we will not be denied.

Forthwith, I humbly urge you alihuman sisters and brothers, evolutionary siblings all, to join with mewith usso we may rise together as one to stake our claim and secure it for tomorrow.

The day of our future. 

To reiterate: it is our evolutionary calling, our absolute birthright (…) [End of excerpt.]

(Related: Alihumans And Gardiner's Genomic Extrapolations; First Humanity Front Manifesto: An Excerpt)



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