First Humanity Front Manifesto: An Excerpt

WORLDNET ARCHIVES ADVISORY: the following is an excerpt from a political statement of beliefs. Ideological manifestos are not to be construed as factual scholarly treatises.

Title: “First Humanity Front: a call and pledge to stand against the rising alihuman scourge.”

Author: Anonymous.

Source: Self-published edoc.

Date of original WorldNet upload: 10/02/2071.

[Beginning of excerpt]  (…) the Monaco incident of last August constitutes undeniable evidence alihumans are in an open state of war with humanity. Henceforth, we humans should always keep this indisputable fact of history at the forefront of our thoughts: alihumans struck first without mercy and without any justification whatsoever, except in their sordid minds, and without warning, thus comporting themselves like the amoral, uncivilized and inhuman monsters they are. This same horrible alihuman-committed mass slaughter in Monaco furthermore exposes three germane actualities which we civilized, proper humans must accept, for our own sake.

First, these devious degenerates exploit their likeliness to us, true humans. They live among us unseen, unknown and unsuspected, until the horrendous moment when they strike with appalling cruelty, consequently wiping out hundreds of human lives at a timechildren, women, and men alikein the utmost gruesome of ways. And they do this because, according to their vile supremacist convictions, we humans are ‘inferior’ and ‘obsolete’. Our lives mean nothing to them, verily: they see each and every one of us as weeds to be culled, as vermin to be purged, as cockroaches to be exterminated.

If you remain skeptical of this harsh reality, then muster the courage to take a hard, WorldNet Archives look at the staggering death toll of the Saint-Simonacus incident, now revealed as the dreadful deed of a single telepath. Then, heed what just befell Sherbrooke on the very morning of the sounding of this momentous clarion call of ours.

Second, the frightening powers possessed by these heartless and soulless criminals not only reveal their unwholesome deviation from our human genome template, but moreover expose them as frightful menaces to our very way of life. Ask yourself this: how do you know if a telepath pervert is not peeping in your innermost, private thoughts at this very moment? Was that destructive wildfire ignited by a pyrokinetic maniac? Might this deathly rock slide have been caused by a heinous telekinetic? Was that ‘accidental’ power outage perpetrated by an electrokinetic malefactor?

It is incumbent of us humans to understand the following, unequivocally: each one of these wicked butchers and destroyers is a walking weapon of mass destruction.

And third, it remains a verity that power corrupts and, therefore, potent power corrupts potently. Any mortal being endowed with tremendous might at their fingertips or by speed of thought should be viewed with extreme suspicion and foreboding, in turn to be treated accordingly. After all, no one tempted to misuse power has ever resisted temptation. The wanton abuse of ‘alihuman aptitudes’ by these habitual mass-slayers constitutes mere confirmation of this.

Even the well-known anonymous alihuman Samaritan of Sherbrooke does not escape from such a ‘law of corruption’. Case in point: did he not hide his telepathy until this day? We give leave to your wisdom and judgment to infer why he did so, whilst we bid you to remember this same ‘notable’ alihuman walks among us incognito–as in the case of the multitude of his ‘brethren’.

Henceforth, we hereby present the formal request to authorities that they spare no resource and no expense to bequeath humanity with the means to identify, constrain, and combat these proven inhuman monsters.

Who are we to put forth such a bold petition to those we entrust with the governance, defense, and protection of our way of life, of our lives, and those of our cherished families and friends? The plain answer is: we are nothing more than regular, hard-working, and decent humans who comprise an ever-growing grassroots movement–one which stands unapologetic as a vanguard against the mounting threat represented by these Machiavellian, and vastly lethal, alihumans.

We, the first true humanity, must oppose the vile derivatives that are alihumans. Thus our movement has a proud name: First Humanity Front. 

Forthwith, we beseech all our fellow humans to rise alongside us and denounce, confront–and yes, fight–this clear, present and paramount danger we are facing (…) [End of excerpt.]


(Related: Alihumans And Gardiner's Genomic Extrapolations; Children Of The Dawn Manifesto: An Excerpt)



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